Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The best way to begin a school year...

What better way to begin a school year than by going back to summer camp for three days. That is what I get to do Sept. 16-18 with all of the students at our school in grades 7-12. For three days, all of the junior/senior teachers spend time getting to know the students better and on a more personal level. Classrooms are wonderful places to learn but I relish the learning opportunities that take place each year at our retreat. As the coordinator of our retreat, I break all of the students into six different groups - with each grade represented in the groups. I love watching the grade 11 and 12 students take leadership seriously as they help the younger students feel welcome and at ease in their new grade.

Since I have been at HCA, we have gone to a wonderful camp, Scotian Glen, located just outside of New Glasgow. This year we made a change - with the new Bayside Camp opening just 25 minutes away from the school we felt it would be a great year to try something new. A gorgeous new facility is awaiting our arrival and the director of the camp, Ben Trites, will spend some of our time challenging us through talks he will give. We stay up late, eat fantastic food, spend time in worship, play sports and games, get lots of fresh air and throughout it all we learn more about each other.

It is the highlight of the year for many students. I recently ran into a student who graduated over six years ago, and as we were chatting she brought up the retreat and how it helped to shape each of her years at the school.
I am so excited to see what will happen at this year's retreat...just over two weeks to go til I will find out!

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