Saturday, September 12, 2009

What is your favourite book...

I was the kind of child who always had my nose in a book. If I finished a book and had nothing else to read I would just go back to the first page and read it again. I travelled to different countries, got to be different people, solved important mysteries and even managed to go back in time - all through reading books. It is difficult to pick a "favourite" book, but if pressed, I would have to say that Anne of Green Gables, is the one I remember the best.

I first read it at around 10 years of age and re-read it every five years or so. Each time I get something new and different out of it. I could relate more to Anne's best friend, Diana because of my personality and need to do the right thing, but secretly wished I could be as spunky as Anne. We do however, both share a love of books and how one could get easily lost within its pages. How beautiful  it must have been to have cherry trees blossoming outside of your window and I could understand why Anne would have such a difficult time with the Pye sisters - Josie could be quite snobby at times.

To have been able to wear the big satin ribbons in my hair (as Diana of course because as Anne I would have been stuck with horrible straight hair stuck in braids that would allow rotten boys like Gilbert yank on) and pretty dresses with calico prints seems so girly and sweet. Even though Anne had many of the same issues as we do today, Green Gables and Avonlea was set in a simpler time when one could explore the forest and have picnics in a meadow. Unlike Anne's first teacher, Mr. Philips, who refused to spell her name with an "e" at the end, I always thought that Miss Stacey would have been my favourite teacher - she was exceptionally encouraging while still requiring all of her students to work to the best of their potential.

As an adult I have many books that I have enjoyed and authors that I am drawn to but I think it is Anne that I will always turn to when I need a break from the craziness of technology and our busy society.
And so what is your favourite book? Students in our school have been asked this question and to respond in an essay of approx 250 words (no more). In addition to getting some great ideas for books to recommend for book reports, their essays will be submitted to a contest that the Chronicle Herald is running. They could win a book and a family set of tickets to a Moosehead game. I can't wait to see how they describe and explain why they like the books they do. And what about you? Make sure to share your favourite book with your child - maybe they will pick it up and like it as much as you do!

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