Sunday, August 30, 2009

What I did on my summer vacation....

Almost every tv show or movie I have seen that has a "first" day of school in it has a scene where the teacher assigns the dreaded, "What I did on my summer vacation". I personally don't recall ever being given that assignment but I thought I would give it a try, especially as today is my last day of summer vacation.

So....what did I do? In summers past I have travelled to England to visit family and the USA for sight-seeing and shopping. When I was quite young I even travelled to the National Ballet School and Royal Winnipeg Ballet school. More recently, I have spent a week each year at Malagash's Family Camp which has allowed my son and I to have a week free of all things normal - no cooking or cleaning for me and lots of playing and beach time for him.

This year was a little different. I didn't do anything other than school work and the odd visit to a friend's house. We had very abnormal weather this summer and so I really didn't feel like going to the ocean. I read a few books and planned what to do with my class this fall. I watched some old movies and did some card-making - really, it was no different than the school year.

My son however, had a very different summer. He stayed at his Grandma's and visited cousins from far away, joined the junior golf program at my parent's golf course, went to Fall's Lake with my Mom and other relatives where he had a week of freedom to run and swim and play with more cousins. He attended a number of day camps and even went by himself to his first week of sleep-away camp at Bayside. In the brief moments in between, I took him to the lake, to visit friends and even a wedding shower for our cousin (poor guy...I think he is too old now to drag along to those any more!). Even now, he is back to Grandma's for one last week of fun and collecting vegetables that he grew in her garden.

All in all, the summer went by quickly and now I am less than 24 hours away from beginning my year. I am really glad that I am not one of those students on those tv and movies I wrote about earlier....I don't think I would do so well on the assignment. Now my son on the would have a lot to write about...


  1. I also remember the dreaded assignment on when did you do on summer ..........Christmas vacation. When I think back to those times they are great memories for me with my Nan and Grandad, but I could never seem to make sound as great as it really was.
    I always knew the question was coming. I thought it was because the teacher didn't have any other work ready for me to do. I really disliked having to do that assignment still today I don't like it. I think it was because I hated the fact my vacation was over and I missed my grandparents.
    I think if I were starting a new school year I would ask a different question , "How would you like this school year to look?"
    Well just a few of my thoughts, looking back i really miss those carefree days of freedom hanging with friends and swimming from morning til night.

  2. I remember having to write those assignments out in class, usually a few paragraphs long on things I did over my summer vacation. {It mainly consisted of sports and visiting with family members, and maybe the occasional trip to Rainbow Valley in PEI.}

    It is amazing how time flies in a couple of months! I am looking at my calendar now, and am starting to pack for another year on campus and even more adventures in the city.

    I have to agree with asking a different question to students. It makes things less predictable and also a lot more interesting.

    Enjoy your first day back to school! :)
