Sunday, August 2, 2009

Why I like uniforms...

While Andrew was having a play-date with some friends the other day, I decided to go to MicMac Mall to look for a "first day back-to-school" outfit., a teacher, worrying about what to wear - but I was - I want to make as good an impression with my class as I can, and having a new and up-to-date outfit can't hurt (okay...I also love clothes). It was fun to comb the stores looking at the cute tops and skirts and I was determined to find the perfect mix of chique and "cheap", but after my fifth or sixth store I realized that I wasn't going to find anything in my size or price range that met my "first day back-to-school" criteria. I then thought about the many moms I saw in the mall going through similar experiences with their children - the need for new clothes for school. Whether it was a growth spurt or just wanting to look cool, many stores were selling clothes that day to kids eager to have new outfits. I gave up after about an hour and as I walked out of the mall I breathed a sigh of relief that I wouldn't have to go through the first day of school outfit hunt with my son because he wears a uniform to school.

I am so grateful for uniforms. From September until the end of June he wears the same thing pretty much every weekday and so I only need to have a few outfits for weekends. I don't need to worry about the latest trend from the newest store that carries clothing so far out of my budget. Instead of five or six trendy pair of jeans he only needs one. He doesn't have to think about what to wear in the morning...up...uniform...ready to go.

About once a month at our school we have a dress-down day and students have the option to wear what they want. I have a son who is still quite young so it isn't such a big deal but I do know that for some of the older students it becomes one of the more stressful days with some getting up earlier in order to make sure the perfect outfit is chosen.

When I get his uniform each year I admit that it is hard to pay for his school clothing all at once. It can seem like a lot of money. But...then that is it...finished until he has outgrown or worn out what he has. I figure that I have saved hundreds and hundreds of dollars over the past few years. I also love how everyone looks equal; some may say that students in uniforms look like cookie cutter molds of each other and that they have no way to show their individuality but I disagree. Each and every student I teach has no problem showing me how unique they are, whether through their hairstyle or backpack or much more importantly, their personality.

So I am a uniform lover for my son at least. He looks neat and tidy and his personality shines out far past his clothing. Oh.....I am sure I will keep hunting for myself though...I still want a cute new outfit for the first day of school - but Andrew won't have to worry about it...up...uniform...ready to go for this year's first-day of school.

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