Friday, October 12, 2012

"The Friend Inside" Getting Ready for a Quiz

Monday, October 15th, you will write a quiz which will be based on "The Friend Inside". do you prepare? Here are a few suggestions as well as some things to think about.

1. Re-read the story.2. Note who the main characters are and their main characteristics (Jim and President Lincoln are the most important characters in the story)3. Look at your storyboard to see if you have summarized the story in six drawings. NOTE: drawing is another way our brain can remember and understand information.

Here is my storyboard. I drew it in pencil so it may be a bit difficult to see everything clearly but it will help you to see if your storyboard covers the main ideas within the story.

Things to think about:  

  • What does it mean to keep "the friend inside"? 
  • Is it hard for us to do that? Why or why not...
  • Why was Jim was being tested? Think about the characteristics Lincoln was looking for.
  • Abraham Lincoln is known for being honest. Was Lincoln being dishonest when Jim was being tested? 
  • Our unit deals with the theme of COURAGE. Was Jim courageous? Why or why not?

I will see you on Monday!!!

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