Thursday, October 15, 2009

Creative writing examples from grade 7....Autumn is arriving

Last week I wrote about my experience with the grade 7 literature class and our time outside "feeling" nature. I received some excellent reflective essays sharing what they experienced during their two minutes outside with their eyes closed, taking in the world around them. There are 19 students in the class so I could only pick a few examples but overall, I am very impressed with the creativity of these 11 and 12 year olds. I have done minimal editing...the work below is that of the students.

     "I heard the cars in the distance - a faint sound like waves, rolling over the ocean just waiting to get to the beach and be washed back out to the ocean."
     "The wind was chillingly cold as it floated through my skin was getting prickly and the feeling of pins and needles were going down my spine."
     "I could feel the wind pressing on my back, wanting to lift me up in the air. Everything sounded so clear you could hear a stone falling on the other side of the street."
     "...then that nice, cool wind passed by again as if someone rewinded life and then clicked the PLAY button. The leaves and branches rustled and swayed more than before, and the feeling of autumn swept over me."
     "I felt the wind blowing my pants against my skin. I could feel it tickling against the back of my legs; it felt like that breeze you get as you are riding your bike."

     "I heard and felt the leaves falling of of the branches preparing for winter. I felt myself under a spell, like the wind wanted me to stay and listen. The wind gave me a breath of fresh air that calmed myself down...Everything felt so graceful and it was something that I never thought would be."

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