Tuesday, July 14, 2009


When people hear the word summer thoughts of hot sunny days lazing at the beach or maybe strolling at the park eating ice cream cones come to mind. Summer can mean visits with realitives not seen for years or maybe a week away at camp. Well, for me, summer means thinking about what I will be doing in the fall....SCHOOL. No matter how many visits I make to Kearney Lake with my son or how many moon mist ice creams we get from Pinkey's or Avery's, I am thinking about school in September. It begins the day I pick up my son's report card. The school year is done, hurray...now I can relax and re-group and have some "me" time. My non-teaching friends say how it must be so nice to have 7 weeks off - they wish they could have that much time off in one stretch - but nope, I don't relax and re-group at all. I don't even think of it as 7 weeks off...to me it is 7 weeks of looking at and experiencing the world as a potential lesson plan....that visit to the lake could become a great art class using sand and saran wrap to make watercolour paints look like the ocean. Visiting and listening to my aunts tell stories about their childhood while at Fall's Lake Campground sends thoughts of autobiographies and creating characters from a different time period that students could write about flying around my head. I tell myself each year that I will not think about school but I can't help it...I am a forever teacher I guess...hmm....maybe my class will do some blogging this year.....

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