Thursday, December 6, 2012

Essay Prep for Friday Test - GRADE 8

Using ONE of the three stories, you will clearly connect these three themes....

You will choose ONE of the short stories and at home, prepare a "PRE-WRITE" for one of the questions listed below. You will bring this to school tomorrow and use it to help you write your essay question answer.

Questions to choose from:

OPTION ONE: The relationship between unlikely people.
The "concept of time" is important in helping to shape both the relationship Miss Lucy had with Chester and for what she is truly thankful. While we see Chester as being important to Miss Lucy, she is also an important person to Chester? How?

OPTION TWO: Role of Time within relationships.
How could the various forms of time (of day, of year, time of life) play a part in Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones being an important person to Roger? Time even played a part in teaching the reader to be thankful. How? 

Option THREE: The important role each friend has within a relationship.
Imagine if the two men had met up after a time of only FIVE years instead of twenty years. Who would have been more "important" at that meeting? during that "imaginary" meeting, if one of the men had tried to "help" the other do you think a sincere thankful spirit would have been shown by the other friend?

BRING the PRE-WRITE....DO NOT bring anything else (rough draft, full essay etc.) with you. Your pre-write must be hand-written in either blue or black ink. You will hand in the pre-write with your completed test.

Three paragraph essay pre-write template....

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Thank You Most Important Twenty Years... test prep GR8

Here you go... a little video I made to share with you what to focus on with the upcoming test on "Thank You Ma'm", "A Most Important Person", and "After Twenty Years".....

Monday, November 26, 2012

The 12 Olympians Introduction

The 12 Olympians Introduction

How the 12 Olympians became 13 Olympians, and then became 12 again although, really, they could have been 14....confusing? Not if you click on the link above...

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Grade 7 has their own QUIZLET section... YAY!!!!

Here you go... the link below takes you to the  two sets in your Quizlet site... just for grade 7 English....

Way to go everyone... you are becoming great collaborative learners!

Monday, November 19, 2012

The untold story.... Plot diagram explained.... English

I am trying out yet another IPad app.... here is a video I made using "ShowMe"... by the time I find and figure out how to use the hundreds of tech-helps out there you will have a VERY thorough knowledge of the elements of the short story.... hmm....I see a potential story conflict within the information I just wrote  - can you guess what it is?

Saturday, November 17, 2012


I know you are all working to help the rest of the population survive, should they find themselves suddenly in the middle of Middle Earth... your information about the characters they encounter could mean the difference between life and... finding themselves tangled in a spider's web while hanging upside down in a tree... 

You will present all of the background information on each type of character either by creating a paper book or through a powerpoint presentation. Remember to include specific examples as you explain the many elements of each character.... knowing the specifics about Gollum's environment would be most helpful, especially should one be inclined to go splunking... providing a quote showing that Gollum lives deep within a complex cave system reminds the splunker to bring their invisibility shield along with their night-vision goggles....

The information you create and present could serve to be of great help to many who navigate the world of Tolkien...

Paper books will be passed in to Mrs. Palmer, while powerpoint presentations will be emailed to my school's email address...  if possible, it is wise to save your presentation in a 1997-2003 compatible format rather than 2010 although I think I can open all formats.

 Keep on the not stop at Rivendell...keeping moving forward.... it is due Wednesday, November 21st... no extensions will be given...

Plot Diagram GRADE 8 English

We are a story...

Each day, wherever we go we meet people and as we go through our day we do things which are on and at with until suddenly, something new or different happens, the problem gets fixed and everyone moves on to the next day.

If we  placed each item on the plot map/diagram, we would have the basic outline for a short story! 


ASSIGNMENT: Take these elements and find a way to place them on the plot diagram. You aren't writing a story but you will need to take the elements and expand upon them in order to get them on the diagram...


Resort could be part of setting and/or part of the conflict...
Money could be part of the conflict, the inciting moment or the rising action...

You get to decide...